10 Essential Questions to Find the Right Accountant for Your Business

Choosing the right accountant for your business is crucial, much like finding a good dentist. You often don’t realize how essential they are until something goes wrong. While our bookkeeping services don’t replace your business’s CPA, we do collaborate with them to ensure your records and filings are in order. Here are ten key questions to help you find an accountant who fits your business needs and complements your bookkeeping services.


  1. What licenses do you have? Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) undergo rigorous education and testing in financial planning and bookkeeping. Other designations may not require the same level of expertise. Look for a CPA who may also have additional certifications, but ensure they are a CPA first and foremost.
  2. What industries do you serve? Ensure the accountant has experience in your industry and can address your specific tax and financial needs. An accountant knowledgeable about your sector will be better equipped to handle unique reporting requirements.
  3. How big is your firm? A solo CPA might suffice for basic filings, but a growing business might benefit from a firm with a multi-disciplinary team that can provide comprehensive financial advice and services.
  4. Who will handle my account? Understand whether a senior CPA or junior accountants will manage your finances. Ensure you know who is responsible for your financial data before committing.
  5. What is your working style? Since accountants handle sensitive financial information, trust and compatibility are essential. Determine if their working style aligns with yours, whether they use cloud-based technologies, prefer face-to-face meetings, or support virtual communication.
  6. How will you bring value to my business? This question helps you gauge the accountant’s role in your business. Ask them how they can save you money, suggest services, and provide examples of how they can help develop and protect your business.
  7. How available are you? Ensure you can reach your accountant when needed without incurring excessive charges. Clarify their availability for quick queries, urgent texts, or if you need to schedule appointments far in advance.
  8. What common problems have you solved for businesses in my industry? Request case studies and references to verify the accountant’s problem-solving capabilities and experience in your industry.
  9. How much will your services cost? Accountants typically charge based on the time spent on a job, with hourly rates ranging from $90 to $300 or more. For ongoing compliance work, a monthly retainer or fixed fee might be more economical. Focus on finding the best value rather than the lowest price.
  10. Is there anything else I should know? This question tests the accountant’s experience and ability to provide valuable insights. A well-thought-out response indicates a good fit for your business.


Remember, a good accountant is more than just a number cruncher; they are a vital collaborator for your business. Asking the right questions and taking the time to find the best fit will pay off in the long run.


Our final tips:

Ask them if they are familiar with the Profit First method. Profit First will help you at tax time and when your bookkeeper, plus CPA understand or use the method, it makes it that much easier to keep your finances on track.

Setup 2-3 meetings with your CPA before the end of the year. From October to December things can shift in your business. It’s time now to strategize with your CPA (or to find a new one).


The Green Executive is here to support you in finding the right needs for your business. Form 1:1 Consulting to Bookkeeping to Profit First, we can help you scale your green industry business. With over 30 years of experience owning and operating a successful landscaping company, we have taken our knowledge and experience gained along the way (plus extensive research and training) to develop the most effective systems and programs available. Let us help you achieve your financial goals and continue to grow your lawn care and landscape business for years to come!