2018 Is Almost Here! What’s Your Next Strategic Move?
2018 is almost here and your office is probably getting ready to wind down for the holiday season. Do you have a plan in place to help grow your company for next year?
As a landscape business coach, I know that most companies have a lull in production and sales in their off season. During this time, I recommend that my clients to strategically plan their upcoming year during the months of December, January, and February. These months are the time to prepare systems and get procedures in place for the upcoming Spring.
Do you have your marketing strategy all lined out month by month for 2018? How about to-dos like getting annual service renewals prepared and sent out? Determining your new service expansion areas and how you want to encourage prepays should all be getting finalized now. Approximate dates of direct mailing should be scheduled as well as client email news blasts should be prepared for the upcoming year. It is important to know that getting prepared in advance will help alleviate feeling rushed in the Spring when it gets to that time which haw been referred to as, “The 100 Days of Hell”.
Don’t just sit back and sleep in during the Winter months. Do keep your right foot forward and utilize this down time for strategically planning and preparing for the new year.
Questions? Email me at adam@thegreenexecutive.com for more information. I am happy to help in whichever way I can.