Setting Strategic Business Goals

Goals should be broken down into three categories – quarterly, annual and long-term. In order to set these goals you have to have your mission, values and action plans in place. So what method do you use to set your goals? The S.M.A.R.T method maybe?

The S.M.A.R.T. method stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based goals. In this method, each element (aka. letter) works together to create a goal that is carefully planned, clear and trackable.

Here’s how it works:

Specific – setting of goals that are specific and narrow
Measurable – defining how a business evaluates progress
Achievable – timeframe in which a goal should be accomplished
Relevant – goals that align with company values and long-term objectives
Time-based – setting of realistic end-dates to increase motivation and prioritization of goals

By using the S.M.A.R.T goal method, you’ll be able to set boundaries and define the steps to take, the resources needed to get there and the milestones that will indicate progress along the way.

Pro Tip:  Consider adding a drip account to your financial goals list for 2021.  A drip account is an account where you are setting money aside throughout the year so that you have income/expenses/or whatever covered/set aside to use during the off season in your lawn and landscaping business.

Another way to set and track your goals is by implementing the tips we give you during our latest Facebook LIVE:

Get a copy of the strategic planning goal setter here.

Reminder:  It’s better to be proactive in your business than it is to be reactive.  By setting annual goals and reviewing them regularly (I’d recommend quarterly), you’ll be able to stay on track and adjust things as needed in order to better achieve your long-term goals.

No matter what method you choose to use to set your goals for 2021, now is the time of year to start thinking through what the future looks like for your lawn and landscaping business. It’s why Sahra and I became Profit First Professionals. We knew that our next step in the industry of landscape consulting was to be able to bring a higher level of profitability to the industry. Our goal for 2021 is to help landscape business owners eradicate entrepreneurial poverty, once and for all!

How are we going to do that exactly? By educating and guiding lawn and landscape business owners in the Profit First method through 1:1 mentorship. Profit First takes the old way of thinking – sales minus expenses equals profit – and shifts that way of thinking to – sales – profit equals expenses. That one little flip in mindset can have a POWERFUL impact on business.

So that’s what The Green Executive® is bringing YOU in 2021. A method that will help you grow and scale through profitability the PROFIT FIRST way!

Ready to hear more? Click here to get a list of the Top Benefits of Profit First Pros – Experts In The Landscape Industry Implementation and then, request to join our Profit First Pros – Experts In The Landscape Industry Facebook group where we share with you how you can start implementing this system in your business now!