How to Streamline Income

For the last 10 months, we’ve been working with Lawn Care and Landscape Professionals to help them understand how to streamline income through the Profit First method. This method has been such a game changer in the green industry, that we’ve decided to share some insider tips with YOU!

To start streamlining income now, there’s three things you need to do:

    • Setup a seasonal drip account
    • Offer a 9 or 12 month maintenance payment program
    • Give a discount back in the form of a gift certificate

So what does that look like exactly?

Setup a Seasonal Drip Account:

Let’s start with what a drip account is. A seasonal drip account is a separate bank account where you consistently squirrel money away so that it’s there during the down months (typically December through February) or whenever you need it for slow times in your business.

When working with us (and in our Profit First Pros – Experts In The Landscape Industry Facebook group), we talk a lot about how setting up a seasonal drip account can help you pay and plan for significant issues like a large payroll, a big credit card payment coming up and/or no work over the winter. Technically, you could even start an account like this to help you see if you can afford that shiny new truck you want or that next big piece of landscaping equipment.

An account like this is not only perfect for setting aside money for the next big purchase, but also to help pay expenses during the off season when you are not generating your normal cash flow as income!

Offer a Payment Program:

One of the things that Linnemann Lawn Care and Landscaping has started offering is a way for our customers to make monthly payments starting in January or March, for the upcoming mowing season. This ensures that we are bringing in money consistently throughout the year and locking in the clients we will be serving during the mowing season. By doing this, we have been able to offer budget friendly pricing and our customers are paying smaller payments per month.

Hot Tip: Send out your payment program options to your current clients via email or through a monthly newsletter with their bill (and/or both). Another option is to call each client and talk with them about it before the new season {this option gives you an opportunity to talk with them about all your services and to see how they are feeling about their lawn care and landscaping services in general.}

Give a Discount:

Have you ever considered giving an incentive or discount to your customers for paying for the mowing season upfront?

In our Profit First Pros – Experts In The Landscape Industry Facebook Group, we are teaching our members how to offer promotional incentives to get their clients to pay for the season upfront. You can do this two different ways:

    • Offer your customers a gift certificate that they can use on another service (lawn aeration, pest control, etc.)
    • Give them a percentage off {5-10% discount}.

Disclaimer: If you offer a gift certification choice on a future service, make sure that it has an expiration date, if applicable by your state law.

Don’t take our word for it though, let one of our Profit First clients tell you how these tips have helped them be more profitable in their lawn care and landscape business:

“We are so glad we found The Green Executive®. We knew where we wanted our business to be and with their knowledge and expertise, we are well on our way to meeting our profit first goals!” ~Kenny and Lindsey



Whether in business or any area of your life, change starts with a reasonable yet effective approach. Let The Green Executive® be a part of the change by teaching you how to effectively implement the Profit First method. Our comprehensive approach covers all of the essentials you need for proper accounting and profits – allowing you to reap more from your business.


Profit First